The Noras and The Khamtis


 M.Martin: History, Topography, Antiquities, &c. of Eastern India,
vol. III, 1838.

     West from the Chingpho, and bounding on the south with Assam, is the country of Nora, which belongs to the descendants of Khunlai, brother of Khuntai, first king of Assam. The language and customs of the people of Nora are the same with those which formerly prevailed among the proper Assames; and between the two people there is still a constant friendly intercourse; and many natives of Nora are always to be found at the court of Jorhat.

     West from Nora, and nearly south from Jorhat, the territory of Assam in bounded by that of Khamti king, which is rather a plain country, but much overgrown with woods. The inhabitants are reckoned expert workmen in iron and timber, and their manners are nearly the same with those who prevail in Nora. Until lately the king was entirely independent, and a very friendly intercourse subsisted between his subjects and the Assamse. On the death of Gaurinath king of Assam, the Bura Gohain invited the king of Khamti to an interview, under pretence of treating with him for the succession to the throne of Jorhat; for it must be observed, that the right of all the descendants of Godadhar to the succession is doubtful, as his birth was illegitimate. During the interview the unwary king was seized and put in confinement, and the Assamese took possession of the greater part of Khamti. The nephew of the captive prince, however in 1808 was still able to act on the defensive, and harassed the Assamese with a band of faithful adherents. The Bura Gohain was then said to be preparing a force in order to reduce the country to entire obedience; but whether or not this force proceeded in the beginning of 1809, or what has been the result, i have not learned.

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