A Glimpse of Tai Khampti. Chongkham. By:- Chow Uppa Mansai


      After the assassination of the Political Agent, Colonel Adam White, Captain Vetch took the in-charge of Sadiya track, who was very much hostile towards Khamptees, and bent upon retaliatory measures and insisted on issuing a general proclamation of out lawny against the Khamptee's insurgents in arms. He event recommended for deportation of Khamptee's revolt to Lakhsya-Deep (Kalia-Pani) and Andaman etc. But he was prevented from taking such a drastic step by the supreme Government of Calcutta. Cptain Vetch was also responsible in deportation of present Khamptee's in Assam.

     After the execution of an Agreement in 1843, Chau Keing-Tong Gohain did not live long. He was succeeded by his son Chau Mangthi Namsoum, who was a bold and fearless character and an energetic with an adventurous spirits. He gave much emphasis on the development of the area. But in latter years, he suffered mentally due to domestic affairs and left for Weing-Mao in Burma (Myanmar). After Chau Pha-Mangthi, Manfai and Mansai, the founder clans of Chongkham village invited Chau Saa Namsoum to be Chief of Chong-Kham village and later he was known as Chau Pha Hoom. He had a good qualities and highest inteelectual abilities. He introduces the irrigation system in the village and inhenced the agricultural products in the area during his Chieftainship. Chau Na Namsoum or Chaupha-Kan-Moung the cousin of Chaupha-Hoom, succeeded in to the Chieftainship. He was born in 1226 (Tai Saka) in 1858 A.D. He accompanied Lieutenant Eden in an expedition against Mishmies in the upper Lohit valley and also in 1858 A.D. he helped the British with men and materials in the Abor expedition. He was recognize and felicitated to a title of Rai Bahadur with an honorarium of Rs.900/- per month till his death. After Chaupha-Kon-Moung, Chong-Kham village was administered by two Chiefs, Chaupha-Mong Chaupha-Frakta.

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